Coronavirus Guidance – 13.03.2020
We are aware that the Coronavirus situation is escalating in the UK and this may be causing our employees concern. The Company is still reviewing the situation daily and we will continue to advise any actions required.
Whilst we still believe we should continue to operate our business as normal we are of course, concerned about the wellbeing of our employees and have therefore put the following guidance in place.
To reduce the risk of contracting Coronavirus you should:
- Wash hands regularly – for at least 20 seconds
- If soap and water is not available use hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol content
- Avoid close contact with other individuals – stand away from people
- Avoid handshakes
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
- Keep your working environment clean using wipes – for office staff we recommend cleaning your computer keyboard and phone handset daily. For drivers we would advise wiping your pda unit regularly and all vehicle in-cab control surfaces ie, steering wheel, all switches, levers and handles. It is recommended that you use Dettol antibacterial surface cleaner wipes.
- Follow customer specific site rules
Most importantly if you feel unwell with a persistent dry cough and a temperature you should speak to your line manager.
Further Information is currently being sent to all employees at Brit European.