Commensurate with the purpose, strategy and Context of the Organisation, the Directors and employees as a whole of Brit European Transport Limited are committed to the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution arising from operating activities.

To actively promote its environmental commitment both locally and elsewhere in Europe, the Company will:

  • Ensure that the Organisation meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of all Environmental Legislation applicable to its scope of operations
  • Comply with the protocols and practices specified by the BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Standard and all Other Requirements to which it subscribes, such as codes of practice, relating to its environmental aspects
  • Set objectives and targets in a formal Management Programme to drive Continual Improvement of Environmental Performance
  • Strive to adopt the highest available environmental standards in all locations of operation
  • Require that all relevant drivers will possess a current ADR Certificate
  • Minimise the use of diesel fuel and energy through continual monitoring
  • Endeavour to purchase the most fuel efficient vehicles and energy efficient office equipment taking into account appropriate economic considerations
  • Only use approved, environmentally compliant, vehicle wash stations
  • Re-use and collect for recycling, office materials such as paper and printer cartridges wherever possible
  • Ensure that all wastes are disposed of safely

All personnel will be given training and guidance in Environmental Policy and ‘best practice’ as appertaining to the business and new starters will receive such instruction during their formal Induction to the Company.

Implementation of the Policy is achieved through regular review of the Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System; adherence to the defined processes of the System; and, the use of formal Corrective and Preventive Action to promote Continual Improvement.

Copies of this Policy Statement are available to the Public on request.