BP Pulse plans truckstop charging hub to boost haulage industry’s confidence in electric transport


BP Pulse has made its first move in the UK to provide electric charging for heavy goods vehicles, with its acquisition of one of Europe’s largest truckstops, near Dover.

To read the article in full please read more here

As we head toward our 100 year celebration later in the year, Brit European Transport are always interested to hear about what other people are doing to modernise the industry.  Officially opened in June 2023, the Vita Nova Centre is at the very forefront of utilising “green” technology to great effect.

Among other innovative ways of harnessing (and enhancing) our local environment, one of the most eye (and nose) catching methods we use has to be Moo Poo Power.

“A world’s first use of gas recovered from slurry pits is being utilised to power the charging systems for our hybrid and electric vehicles.  Over 20 years, a gram of methane from slurry is 84 times worse in its greenhouse gas effect than the exhaust from our charging system.”

Graham Lackey CEO

In real terms, by utilising “Moo Poo Power” today, Brit European can assist in slowing climate change and simultaneously offset the carbon footprint of the main concrete site slab at the Vita Nova Centre.

Now for the sciencey bit.

The latest technology means that methane can be collected from the slurry pits as it bubbles to the surface.  Once a sufficient quantity of gas is “held” above the pit (or “lagoon”) it can be converted into clean, compressed gas or liquid methane.  It is this fuel that can be used more efficiently and cleanly to power a fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles such as that of Brit European Transport.

One of the significant advantages to this process is that the value of the fuel produced should make it possible for even small dairy farms to justify investing in better storage.  Historically a dairy farm would produce up to 6 times the amount of methane required to operate – so now the excess can be effectively captured and repurposed.

By harnessing the latest technology and applying out of the box forward thinking, the Vita Nova Centre is doing whatever possible to minimise environmental impact and truly setting the standard for how similar projects should take place in the future.